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Monday, December 2, 2013

Stitches synopsis

So, the continuation of the last post doth begin...
Ally and Stitch found themselves within the vampires' home, where they met Drake, the serious one; Bella, the small one; Jonathan, the old boyfriend; Jessica, the snotty used to be popular one; and of course Seamus, the baby vampire. Together they form the New York coven of vampires, and they are an interestin group indeed.
Stitch explains to them the circumstances, and that their old friend Iris has been resurrected in this new form. After two fight scenes, a lot of running, and a lot of disappointment when they meet the vampires leader, Ally and Stitch escape and head for home.
Next comes the werewolves. In this new group we are introduced to Jess's brother and her mother, an old woman called Merrill, and the tribe's witch doctor (Basically) a woman called Topaz. (Her brother had a name, but my mind. It is not working.) This interaction is a little more interesting, because Topaz has done work in the feild that the impossibility that is Stitch falls into, and she takes particular intrest in the details. Also, Jess can talk through the shared body, which brings a lot of sadness, as well as a great deal of hope. After telling her family the situation, Topaz takes Stitch to see her, or Jess's, sister. They watch the girl for just a moment, while Topaz informs Stitch that saving the world is now a top priority, because Jess was not the only on killed.
Not sure whether to be sad or happy, Stitch an Ally go home once again, before heading to their final destination; the home of the gargoyles. Here, the destruction is even more obvious. The girls find one of Lyn's old friends, lying shattered in the street.
Gathering the monsters that are now their friends, Stitch leads an expedition up the mountain, at the top of which the shards, and the murderer of all those monsters, is waiting. The trip up is long and tedious, with trials specifically built for each member of the crew, which includes; Stitch, Ally, Jessica, Drake, Bella, Merrill, Tiffany (A zombie they met in Lyn's town), and Angie (Jess's sister from eairlier).
 Eventually, when only Stitch, Ally, and Jessica are left, they make it to the top where they find...
WAIT A SECOND! I'm not giving away the climax just yet! Wait for the five years it will take for me to get the book published or become a beta reader to find out! (By the way, the guy at the top of the mountain isn't the real villain. He was put up to it.)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hey, you thought I was done? I haven't even told you about Stitches yet!
Silly invisible people. You so stupid.

So. Here's a brief summary:

Stacy wakes up, electricity racing through her body. Only it isn't her body, not anymore. She opens her eyes, mismatched of course, to see a scarecrow.
The bag of burlap and straw introduces herself as BirchTree Calloway before promptly running off to find the witch that made out heroine. Stacy looks over her new body, and whta a body it is.
Gray gargoyle skin, basically shock absorbing stone, covers every joint. Her face is a wild mash of vampire, werewolf, gargoyle, mermaid, and human, and for some reason she can't get the voices that have wormed their way into her head to shut up.
Just as she's realizing that those voices might be there to stay, the dungeon door bangs open. Enter Mirana, witch with certain skills in the way of life. Oh, and making freaky Frankenstein's monster style girls out of several different species. Mirana explains to our favorite Franken-girl (Fine, my favorite) that the five people who made her up died through some unusual circumstances. Except for the human. She just got hit by a car. Birch volunteers the idea for this girl's new name, and she suddenly becomes Stitch, which is mildly annoying.
The next few weeks, she trains. Soon Stitch discovers that she can breath underwater, fall from above New York's skyline without a parachute and live, smell a steak from down the hall, hear things other people can't, (Yeah, that includes those voices) and a lot of other epic stuff. Her toes are three inches too long, she can't show her face without a few screams, and she talks to herself quite often.
After Stitch finally accepts that her friends are there to stay, they introduce themselves as Jess and Lyn. Jess the Snarky werewolf, and Lyn the very extremely nice gargoyle.
A few things of note happen during her time at the mansion. Stitch meets the other members of Mirana's coven, and one witch named Silver makes a particular impression on her. Then, she finds a copy of the paper, and her world begins to come crashing down.
Donning a very comvering black hat, Stitch sneaked away, hopping through a portal on the way to her own funeral. As they burried Stacy's coffin, which she knew was empty, she heard a shout.
Her friend Alyssa came up to her, angry and confused, because this was a private funeral, and therefore this strange girl in the old hat should not have been attending. Ally really did not care how suspicious her friends death was, any reporters had better buzz off.
She shouldn't have taken that hat off, but it happened. The black lace tumbled to the ground as Ally stared at the monster before her, terrified.
That was right about when Stitch ran.
So, eventually Ally found her way to Mirana's mansion, and that started a long argument, which was eventually lost by Stitch when the girls found themselves in the home of the vampires.

Yeah, I'll continue this tommorrow cause It's too long and it's Thanksgiving and my family is arriving.


I think I've gone in to shock. I wrote 50,000 words in a month. I wrote a book, in a month.

So yep, that loud noise you heard a while ago was my brain exploding.

So, in other news, tis time to span you with some lovely picture.

 So, this one is actually related to previous topic. This is Angie, Jess's kid sister.She's the first one to die and the second to get resurrected. (Besides, of course, Stitch and all who make her up)
 So, if the other one was from Stitches, this one is not. (That didn't make sense, ignore it) This is (from left to right) Crow, Emily, Zane, and Rose. From Endron, here's the crew in Halloween costumes because YANA.
Oh, and this is Stitch. I may have posted this before but whatever. I'm still not happy with how the mermaid eye turned out, but it is still a pretty epic picture regardless.

So yep. That has been my life lately. I've probabally watched more youtube videas this month than any other time of the year, and I could spam you with those too, but I'm afraid I'm too lazy to look them all my dear invisible followers.
Endron out.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

CWC Plot

But first, this:
I hope I have given you lols. Go read it, it's awesome!

So, plot. Some people prefer not to plot out their stories, but come anyways! Once your story is finished, you want to know the elements of a good plot so you can see where you succeeded and where you failed. 
     Two tips on plot, from
are to focus on Cause and Effect.
"When writing out your plot, think in terms of but and therefore. When you’re writing, don’t worry about if a section is a scene or sequel. Think cause and effect, sentence-by-sentence, action to reaction, scene to scene, and you’ll never go wrong."    This tip is a lot like the other one, and is just as helpful.
so, basically I am now just going to list websites and tips. I promise this will make actual sense at the lesson... probably.
This related to plot and character: What is your main characters heart's desire? The plot should stem around this desire. Heart's desires can change, but they cannot be instantly rewritten. If your character really wants a dog, then they will not just walk past free puppies. But if they get a dog and realize how much work they take, your character may change their minds.
This website has a few good tips, but I don't like all of them (So I'll leave them out)
1. Write the ending first. It may change in the future, but it's good to have at least a general idea of where you're ending. You don't have to plot before you start your story, but it can be helpful.
2. Choose your antagonist first. This may not apply in all cases. Most of my stories have started out as a character. But you need to develop your villain just as much as you develop your hero. We don't have to like their goals, but we should be fascinated by them, or at least interested.
3. Decide on a genre and stick to it. Don't change from fantasy to romance!! You can have romance elements in a fantasy story, or fantasy elements, but don't start one way and then snap into another. No one will love you and I for one will be thoroughly disappointed. (This happened to me once. No wonder the book was free...)
4. Be disciplined with settings. Do not introduce a brand new setting towards the end of the book. Try to keep to a small number of areas, and if your characters stay in a place for more than a night or if that place has significance in either the plot or their lives, do development behind the scenes that is not necessarily included in the story. Try to stick to around five major settings.
5. Don't include to many characters. You can have a large cast, but most of that cast should function off camera and behind the scenes. They may appear for a few moments, but the main characters of your story should be a small and elite group. Don't use my stories as an example, for example! I have way too many characters, and not only is it hard to keep track of them all, it's hard to give each character the time they need, so many of them can become sorely underdeveloped, while characters who have almost no appearances have tons of development. (This can though, in my opinion, be a good thing. trixie doesn't show up too much, yet when she does the effects are... large, to say the least. And even though you never really know her whole story, you can tell that its there.) If you are going to have multiple points of view, don't have any more than three. It kills all sense of understanding if you have more than that. And I could go on with just this all day, so I'll stop before this gets any longer.
6. Just write the end. It doesn't matter that there's loose ends. Once you end your story, you can go back and look at everything as a whole. But before you even scroll to the top, close your microsoft word program or notebook and don't look at them again for at least two weeks. I've tried it both ways, and if you can force yourself to just leave it alone, completly and totally, you will be much the better for it.

And now I am finally going to shut up. See what happens when I actually prepare?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Super(ior) Hearts

So, go look to the other pages for fun and random fan-fics. If you read, I promise a future with violence, character development, several meltdowns, romance, and devils. (BWAHAHA!!)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hi there invisible peoples.
Oh, and mom. You too.
So yeah, I really have nothing to say today...

So I have a sort of idea, about some witches who do stuff (Very much in development) And Jackie, our favorite reaper friend, just got a makeover. And so yeah. Have some pictures:
 Amerilla, Witch of plants
 Bubblegum, Witch of flame
 Illyana, Witch of Ice
 Mirelda, Witch of water

Sunday, August 25, 2013


So, I has finally gotten the third and last book of the Star Shards series by Neil Shusterman, but I'm not letting myself start it because I know if i do I'll stay up all night reading it. And it helps that they're school tomorrow and if I don't finish I will not pay attention in class. At all.

In other news, I have started something else new that I will probably never finish. So please help encourage me to get the thing done.
And please do follow me on wattpad because occasionally I post things that make sense, while here I just... Rant.

Because ranting is fun.

They should seriously make a video for my face when I say that line. Just my face, nothing else.

So what Super(ior) Hearts basically is, is a story about my characters, and what if they were superheroes and supervillans. Of course, Emily Swiftfoot now hates me because I';m both making her be a villain and making her fall in love with Crow again. (Who just happens to be one of the fore-mentioned superheroes. Insert evil laugh here.) And I made the cover myself, and I'm very proud of it. They're all so adorable. Can you guess who they all are?
So yeah, go read that. It's cool. I've gotten really far in how long? Three days? Why much dedication on things I can never actually make money off of? Sigh.

Friday, August 16, 2013


So, I'm coming up with new ideas, a lot of which have been listed at the bottom of the page. And the one theme throughout my stories is that the main character is never normal. There always has to be something special about them. So I keep trying to make a normal character, but it just doesn't happen, because really, are any of us normal? I want someone who fits in well, but isn't that just so boring? But it can be interesting. Each of us has so many issues, even if no one else knows about them. We have flaws, and if one were able to just peek in on a life and see every part of it, without anything being hidden, then something could be found. A different way of looking at life may be revealed.

Founders, what was that. Anyway, what I was supposed to be talking about before random inspiration i have two relatively new ideas. The first is something from yesterday, really. It's just an idea to have five witches, each with a specialty, and have them clash and be forced to work together.

The second idea is actually really old. I first made this picture.
At the time I had no idea who she was, and I didn't know for a long time after that. But eventually she gained a name, and a sense that she had a troubled past.
Oh, and the part about how she's an assassin or something. 
So for a long time, the two pictures of The Dragon sat in my hard drive. Then one day I found them again and made a companion picture.
Yeah, big difference. And she's smiling! And after I made this I just couldn't stop thinking about it. So I started writing, and then all at once the folks from Life in The Underworld popped up and I figured out just why her past is so troubled.
She can't remember anything from before her fifteenth birthday. And the stuff that happened after that... Well, that's where the super assassin part comes in.
So now I've got a story with something called a heartless, reapers, devils, skills with a sword, one very spunky... twenty five year old, and one secret organization.
This should be fun...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Not to late...?

So...  I never go on this blog and now I apologize and prep[are to spam you with tons of news about everything.
So. Italy was amazing, and I will post about that, with pictures and fabulous tales and such.
I have finished several drafts of Endron, and I am hoping to get it to the point where people can read into by December at which point I will be 15.
Which is another thing that makes me scream into my pillow for about five hours.
My other stories are going well, but I'm devoting most of my attention to the Endron trilogy. And that's the big hurrah.
And for anyone who cares and knows what I'm talking about, Emily gets to keep Summer.
And I think that's about it. I'll split the rest of it up into long and probably boring posts.

I love all your faces, nonexistent people!!
(And suddenly I realize I don't just talk to myself, I blog to myself. The trials of an author are never through.)

Individual Worth

For some reason, today I feel like i really need to tell you all how truly beautiful you are. Every one of you is amazing in your own special way, and every one of you has a great potential. Don't let yourself down. Don't insult yourself: That's everyone else's job. I don't have very good self esteem, but I'm trying. I'm trying to see the world in a better light, to see myself in a better light, as hard as that is, and to see other people in a better light. 
I know that every person has their own disabilities, their own flaws, their own struggles and addictions. But there is always a chance that we can improve. There is always hope, even if you have none of your own,. There is always someone who will give a thought to every person, thinking about just how beautiful they really are, and there is someone who hopes for them to be better. Today that person is me, and maybe no one else. Tomorrow it can be you, or any day after. As long as you have hope,. and you spread that light all around you,. you and every other person can and will improve. Share this message, and share a message of you own. Take that chance to show the world how amazing you can be. And remember that you are beautiful. Here's something that relates. I found it a while ago and loved it, because somehow, even though they're selling a product, it feels more like a way to lift each of the women up.

In other news, I made a new YouTube video.
Since the add a video button can't find the video on YouTube I'll just give you a URL. Harumph. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cwc again

So, the lesson this Monday is on dialogue. Here's a website I found:

And yep, that's pretty much it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is a bit of a late anouncement, but anyway, today at fou o' clock I am leaving for Italy!!!!
So yes, I won't be around for the next ten days, except I might get internet. highly unlikely however. But I will definetly rant about it when I get home.
Because ranting is fun.
And so is Ursala, and her evil ranting face!
So yes, I'll miss you all terribly!!! Have a fun time with everything on spring break! I will miss you all!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


     So, while chatting with Popcorn (His house is just down the street from mine, so we end up walking with each other occasionally) he made a really good point. I was complaining because I've been trying to write from Rose's perspective while I really really want to write from Emily's perspective. And Pocorn said something to the effect of 'you don't have to write from Rose's perspective. You're the one writing the story: you can do what you want.' But he put it more simply and to the point and stuff.
     So now I'm rethinking my approach, and it wasn't just something I should have realized long ago. The story has always been about Emily. I can't deny it anymore. The thing that finally made it hit home was a scene I wrote while listening to some epic music, because hey, music can be really inspiring! So what I found on the page was an epic battle between Emily and Sasha, and then I just kept going, and so many things happened. And all I really know about it is that it's an end. Whether it it will be the end of the book or the end of a chapter I don't know, but it is an end. And unfortunately, I can't share it with y'all, because it gives way too much away. All the things the book has been leading up to are revealed, along with various other things.
     So, since the whole thing revolves around her gloriousness, shouldn't Emily tell the story? Except, of course, for a few random bits from other people at the beginnings of chapters. (Cough) Crow (Cough). So now, I'm working on rewriting a good deal of it, along with making a brand new beginning... who want to see the first little bit?

     “Do not touch me.” Fire flows from my fingers, forcing the burly man to jump back.
     “Wait, you’re a…”
     “Oh, come I,” I say, cutting him off. “Enough of you have molested me that it’s pretty obvious.” I snap my finger and pint at the bulbous red tomato smack in the middle of his face, letting a tiny spark to hit his nose. “I bite.”

Ugh. Why do all my black markets have pedophiles? But Emily can probably protect herself. (Probably. Ha, ha.) But yeah, that's the new beginning, and then she'll go home, and on the way blow something up, and then Rose will wonder why about a million birds just ran, er, flew for the hills, and go stumbling into the spiders trap, and then Emily can go save her sorry life. An life will be joyus! 

(And for those of you who have read the Mistborn Trilogy, SO GOOD!, I think Emily might be able to beat Vin now. Might have something to do with being a Foundling...But yes, still so many secrets I am keeping from you!)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winner winner chicken dinner

I WON A CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So yeah, go check that out. Tis proof.
the thing that won the contest.
Go check both of them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 And feel free to congraduate me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ze YouTube

Help me get more views!!! (Please?)

Friday, February 22, 2013

I wrote a poem in English today.
It's up for interpretation.
Go wild.

No one knows of those beneath,
Who hide and crawl
Through tunnels deep,
And wait for days
When fires find
The stunted others
Of their kind.
Of us above
They do not know,
And neither we
Of those below.
But still they wait,
The rocking sea
 And darkness dance
Cross worlds three
The sky
The earth
And those below
And water deep,
The fourth world knows
As shining lights
Doth fill the sky,
To wait for such
To say goodbye,
And soon it comes
The dreaded hour
When those below
Lose all their power
The glowing orb
That burns the white,
For those below
They rule the night

Here's the picture that inspired it!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


For you more faithful members. (Not that I'm judging you.) Here are a few websites on what we is doin' tomorrow!

Go with the second one. Hilarious, I must say.
So, we're meeting tomorrow at ten, my house, hope to see you there! This lesson was a request from Ms. Banana, here's the blerg:
Have fun, and never stop writing! (Or I may kill you. It's quite possible.)