So, while chatting with Popcorn (His house is just down the street from mine, so we end up walking with each other occasionally) he made a really good point. I was complaining because I've been trying to write from Rose's perspective while I really really want to write from Emily's perspective. And Pocorn said something to the effect of 'you don't have to write from Rose's perspective. You're the one writing the story: you can do what you want.' But he put it more simply and to the point and stuff.
So now I'm rethinking my approach, and it wasn't just something I should have realized long ago. The story has always been about Emily. I can't deny it anymore. The thing that finally made it hit home was a scene I wrote while listening to some epic music, because hey, music can be really inspiring! So what I found on the page was an epic battle between Emily and Sasha, and then I just kept going, and so many things happened. And all I really know about it is that it's an end. Whether it it will be the end of the book or the end of a chapter I don't know, but it is an end. And unfortunately, I can't share it with y'all, because it gives way too much away. All the things the book has been leading up to are revealed, along with various other things.
So, since the whole thing revolves around her gloriousness, shouldn't Emily tell the story? Except, of course, for a few random bits from other people at the beginnings of chapters. (Cough) Crow (Cough). So now, I'm working on rewriting a good deal of it, along with making a brand new beginning... who want to see the first little bit?
“Do not touch me.” Fire flows from my fingers, forcing the burly man to
jump back.
“Wait, you’re a…”
“Oh, come I,” I say,
cutting him off. “Enough of you have molested me that it’s pretty obvious.” I snap
my finger and pint at the bulbous red tomato smack in the middle of his face,
letting a tiny spark to hit his nose. “I bite.”
Ugh. Why do all my black markets have pedophiles? But Emily can probably protect herself. (Probably. Ha, ha.) But yeah, that's the new beginning, and then she'll go home, and on the way blow something up, and then Rose will wonder why about a million birds just ran, er, flew for the hills, and go stumbling into the spiders trap, and then Emily can go save her sorry life. An life will be joyus!
(And for those of you who have read the Mistborn Trilogy, SO GOOD!, I think Emily might be able to beat Vin now. Might have something to do with being a Foundling...But yes, still so many secrets I am keeping from you!)