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Monday, September 10, 2012

New story idea.

a girl disappears in a perfectly normal school. Everyone is in shock. surley this can't have happened to us? We're too normal. But it has happened.
     Everyone in town is interviewed, but Catherine was the type who sat alone and never talked to anyone. one of the few who wasn't interviewed was one who might have known her best. Their lockers were next to each other.
     Yet Abby was not interviewed. She might have been the only one to see the inside of Catherine's locker, covered with wild imaginings of words and pictures.
     abby suspects something when a new girl shows up, a few moths after the disapearence. Time has passed, and the effect has dulled. No one else makes the conection.
     but Abby reconizes the green eyes under a shot blod haircut. she soon realizes that if you added a tan, plastic surgery, and dyed the hair, Kat would really be Catherine.
     But why has she come back? Is it just to earn a chance at being popular? Or has this strange girl changed in a way that even she couldn't have imagined.


  1. yes creepy. That is kind of the point. what about umbralife tough? (Finally my blog title will make more sense!)
