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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The 13th hour

So, I have a new idea, and there is practically no structure t the story. Humph.
But maybe you guys (Gals, whatever.) can help me out!!!!
The whole thing was inspired by this picture
Totally awesome. So right now, I have a introduction and a chapter one that needs a ton of work. But it is cool, because it involves the reader. (You walk into the hospital room, you see the little girl, ect. I can't remember what that style is called right now.)
The only other things I have are character ideas, but those are awesome, Because there is Marcel (The one in the picture.) Tok (To ironic he can use time magic.) Clara Shnider (Don't you just love her last name?) Ashlyn (Having fun being in a coma.) and The Hunter. (All together the creepiest robot in their world.)
So, all i know about the plot is that Marcel is dying, Clara is blind and has been kidnapped by someone, The Hunter is hunting something, (What else would he be doing?) Ashlyn's soul is trapped in the real of time, and Tok is trying and failing to make Marcel his girlfriend. Not again with the tangled love life's. Sigh.

Friday, January 18, 2013


So, I've been putting this off for a while now, and I am going to formally anounce CWC/Creative Writing Club. Yay!
So, if you live near me (You know who you are.) Then you are welcome to come! The next meeting is Monday 21, at 10:00. we will be working on convincing your characters that they are alive. Hope to see you there!
I will also be collecting phone numbers (Don't let me forget!) So you should probably bring that. or you can just memorize it. I am trying to call people to remind them, but it makes it difficult if the number I have connects me to your grandpa. Hope to see you!!!

What I did today.

Spark the magic dragon is  born! The top photo is the painted chestnut (Yes, I really used a chestnut.) and the materials used to make it so cool. (Just those two bottles of nail polish and my skills.)
This i supposed to be Emily's, ally, Spark the dragon. Not very dragon like now, is she? Just wait for the transformation my friends. Just wait.

Friday, January 11, 2013


So, today i have been working on fleshing out a character that may or may not make it into the story. She probably will though, because she's just that cool.
so, her hair is cut very short, and so blond it borders on white, just like the rest of her. Her skin is extremely pale, and her eyes are such a light blue that most assume she's albino or something. But being enrolled in a school filled with wings, cat ears, and insect eyes all mounted on humans, Wisp fits right in. Well, almost there's one thing that holds her back.
It's the bracelet around her wrist.

Patient 0652. Mentally disabled.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gandalf has arrived!!!

So, you know this storm raging outside? (Actually, lightly brushing snow on our heads.)
Guess what it's named? Guess!!
That's right. Gandalf has arrived.

(You know it.)

Project WE

(Sorry for the strange things you might witness. I don't like all the pictures either.)

so, stop reading. Now. Look at the link above first.

Now, lets see. All I have to work with is no original ideas, a bunch of no's and several picture.


Friday, January 4, 2013

4:30 PM

"It's Friday!"
"You just realized this?"
"For about the fifth time today, yes."

don't you just love how strange I am? (It's Friday! Today is Friday! Oh wow!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013