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Friday, May 4, 2012

Emily Swiftfoot. Also known as The Destroyer. Also known as my conscience. For most of my life, My conscience has had a voice. A girl, scolding and chiding me to do better. Over time the voice developed and became a perfect version of myself. Red hair, flexible, athletic. Perfect comeback every time. She lived in a dark space, filled with a rich brown glow. There was a single, uncomfortable looking chair. There she sat and gave counsel. She has always been older than me, for reasons I may never know. Perhaps it is simply easier to follow instructions given by an older personnel. She lived in that dark corner of my mind, always within reach.
In elementary i usually ate alone. I had friends, but they were distant. i read my books, ate my lunch, and felt an almost overwhelming sense of loneliness. So I 'talked to Emily'. Back then her name was Alicia, or A for short. I scribbled spiky letter a's on page after page. Alicia has always been the best friend i have ever had. She doesn't exist in a physical form like you and I, but she exists true enough. She has always been there for me, through thick and thin. Through sorrow and through joy.
I have good friends. But none as good as her. So you try this. Create a perfect version of you, good looks, the works. Then give them a personality that you would love to see in one of your friends. Now you have a source of inspiration, of hope, and of solace. Keep then in your mind, and your heart, forever.

1 comment:

  1. I have a person like Emily swiftfoot, her name is Emida. I can tell her anything, and she is a true freind. None will be as good as her, but it is wonderful to have physical friends as well. Thx, everybody for being with me through thick and thin. Jr. High is honestly and trully AN EMOTIONAL ROLLER in the middle of it.
